Dear visitors, thank you very much for using our resource.

The process of interaction with the site takes place in several stages:

  1. Registration on the site - to view any information on the site you must first register;
  2. Choose the content you like;
  3. Payment for a certain gallery and, accordingly, the author's support;
  4. After payment, the purchased gallery becomes available to you in your personal account immediately after crediting the funds (this may take several hours).

After payment, the funds are non-refundable.

If you have problems with payment, or additional questions on interaction with the content, you can ask them at or through the feedback form.

If you remain on our website and interact with its interface, you confirm that you are familiar with these rules of use of the resource, that they are clear and fully accepted, and that you agree to abide by them:

  • The owner of the information, photos, articles, audio-video content posted on the site is the owner of the site.
  • Do not infringe copyright. Do not use photos and videos for commercial purposes.
  • The site visitor agrees not to harm, violate or affect the security of the site.
  • Payment for photos and videos will be made through the Fondy payment system.
  • By contacting us or leaving comments on the site, you are responsible for the fact that this message is not illegal.
  • The site visitor guarantees the completeness, truthfulness and relevance of the information provided, and is obliged not to violate the rules of the site.